Difference Between Copy, Copywriters & Copyright
There seems to be a lot of confusion on these topics: Copy vs. Copywriter vs. Copyright! They are very different so lets clear up the confusions and clarify what these things mean.
Copy is a term used in the publishing industry to refer to written text or words that are used for publication. It could be content used in newspapers, magazines, books, and other forms of print or digital media.
Copywriters are people responsible for providing the text (or copy) that is eventually published.
Copyright is a legal concept that grants exclusive rights to the author or creator of a work including literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. Copyright protects authors by giving them exclusive control over their material so it cannot be reproduced without permission or credit. This means that if someone sees a certain work they know it has been created by a certain person and not just taken from another source without permission. Copyright also covers derivative works such as translations and adaptations of original material which further serves to protect authors from having their work misused without proper credit and compensation.
This all gets confusing because these terms can be intertwined. For example, copywriters own the copyright to their work unless they choose to share it with someone else such as an editor of a magazine or publishing house. Copywriters can also write copy for other businesses in the form of website language, presentation language, etc. Copy can be copyrighted with the United States Copyright Office. When you think about the many ways these terms can work together, its no wonder people are confused.
Ultimately, copy refers to any written material. Copywriters are writers who write on behalf of someone or a business, And finally, copyright refers to the legal right granted to an author over their creation so that it can only be used with their permission.
If you have any questions about registering a copyright, contact The Styles Firm at 404.801.3861 or schedule a consultation so we can provide assistance tailored to your business!